My last name, Dawson, is an Anglicized version of the Lithuanian name Dausinas. The root name is Dausin; the suffix as indicates it is a man's name. Dausinaite is the version an unmarried woman would use, Dausinene would be used by a woman who married a Dausinas.
After years of research I found that my first cousin twice removed, Anton John Dawson (b. 1892) stated on his WWI draft registration that he was born in Szilala, Kuna, Russia. Of course this was not easy to learn. The version posted on was nearly impossible to read.
I requested a copy from the National Archives and received the following:
Ah, much better. Unfortunately I was unable to find this town on a map of Lithuania so I posted a query on the Lithuanian Genealogy Yahoo Group. It took no time for this august group to tell me that Szilala is Šilalė, Lithuania. Š is pronounced Sz.
I spent another year researching distant relatives and found that my Great Great Aunt Ana or Ona Dausinaite's husband Frank Rasckauskas/Raczkowski said he was from Chelele, Russia in his Declaration of Intent to become a citizen. I assessed they were married in Lithuania because I can't find a marriage certificate for them in any of the Chicago Roman Catholic Churches.
These are the only documents I have that provide a Lithuanian hometown.
When I was in Lithuania in 2012, I had dinner with Dalija, a woman I met via her on-line family tree. We have a common ancestral surname (not Dawson). When I showed her the two documents, she said, " Szilala, Šilalė, and Chelele are the same place." There is no doubt, I didn't see that coming!
It may seem obvious as you read this, but these two documents were among hundreds of documents I had studied. Doh! I couldn't see that Chelele was a phonetic spelling of Šilalė. You could have knocked me over with a feather.
Since then, Dalija and her friend Vaclava found Anton's father's marriage registration and were able to confirm this location. I still haven't found relatives but I will continue my search.
Till next time, keep the blue side up ... Lynn
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